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Pingdingshan Wanhui Graphite Co., Ltd.
Pingdingshan Wanhui Graphite Co., Ltd.

Application Fields of Isostatically Pressed Graphite

1. Understanding isostatically pressed graphite

Isostatically pressed graphite refers to graphite material obtained by pressing high-purity graphite powder in a sealed liquid environment at normal temperature and transferring the powder through ultra-high pressure. It is called cold isostatic pressing because the pressure in the liquid is equal on both sides. The formed graphite has the same performance value in different directions. Compared with ordinary graphite, isostatically pressed graphite products have a series of excellent performances, including strong thermal stability, low expansion rate, excellent chemical resistance, excellent conductivity and thermal conductivity, and good processability.

Isostatically pressed graphite is a new type of graphite material developed in the 1960s with a series of excellent performances. It has good heat resistance and thermal shock resistance, isotropy, strong resistance to chemical corrosion, and excellent mechanical processing performance. Isostatically pressed graphite not only has great potential in civil use, but also occupies an important position in the field of national defense. It is an irreplaceable material for manufacturing single crystal furnaces, graphite crystallizers for continuous casting of metals, and graphite electrodes for electrical discharge machining, and is also an advantageous material for manufacturing rocket nozzles, deceleration and reflection materials for graphite reactors.

WH isostatically pressed graphite block supplier

WH graphite block supplier offer EDM Graphite Blocks, Extruded Graphite Block, Isostatic Graphite Block, High Purity Graphite Block, High Density Graphite Block, Vacuum Furnace Graphite, Molded Graphite Block, and Large Graphite Block.

2. Understanding the main application areas of isostatically pressed graphite

1. Application of isostatically pressed graphite in nonferrous metallurgy: In order to shorten the production process, reduce costs, improve quality, reduce labor intensity, and reduce environmental pollution, the production of metal materials has gradually developed towards continuous casting for more than 20 years. So far, copper and aluminum materials have basically achieved continuous casting production. Isostatically pressed graphite is mainly used for large copper material production lines. At present, there are hundreds of production lines in China, all of which use graphite crystallizers.

2. Application of isostatically pressed graphite in the nuclear energy industry: In nuclear reactions, nuclear fusion will release huge amounts of energy. In order to make nuclear fusion continue for a long time, it is necessary to maintain plasma at a certain temperature, and graphite is an important material for maintaining plasma stability. In addition, graphite is also a good neutron moderating agent and reflector, and its own excellent characteristics have established its position in the nuclear industry.

3. The role of isostatically pressed graphite in the solar energy industry: Because the isostatically pressed graphite material has high strength, high density, and good isotropy, the graphite components made from it are heated and heated evenly during use. At the same time, due to the uniform density of the material, it can effectively reduce the internal stress caused by rapid cooling and heating of the material, greatly extending the service life of equipment or appliances. Therefore, in the semiconductor and solar energy industries, isostatically pressed graphite is widely used to produce Cz-type single crystal pulling furnace hot zone graphite components; heating elements for multi-crystalline silicon melt casting furnaces and heating elements for compound semiconductor manufacturing, etc.